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Perryman came to a Petsmart Charities® Work-weeks Occasions (http://www.petsmartcharities.org/campaigns/national-Adoptee-weekend) in Lexington, KY in May 2016 to Find a new dog. Instead, a small kitten a shortened Milo, Stole her heart and Begen the Processes of the Bereavement of the Loss of her tabby.
Joins Petsmart Charities Setember 16-18, 2016 for our next Work-weeks and Find Youns new 4ever friend. #iAdopteeed, #Adopteelove.
For More ANIMAL Adoptee stories, go to https://www.petsmartcharities.org/Adoptee-a-pet/Adoptee-stories
Can’t Adoptee a pet today? You can Allus Donating to Help save the life of a Houselessness pet: http://bit.ly/1SdA7XT.